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Wednesday Words Of Encouragement


January 30, 2019

You can't move forward until you shake the dust of the past off.  Let go of what didn't work and pursue what's in front of you


February 13, 2019

When you start seeing your worth, you'll find it harder to stay around people who don't


February 27, 2019

Freeing your mind is necessary in order to step into the next level that God has for you


February 6, 2019

Once you get the image of you being successful in your field, hold on to that image when difficult times arise.  You will see an end come to your ups and downs.


February 20, 2019

Everything Attach to you wins.  It's your winning season.


March 6, 2019

Don't Let what you are going through take your focus.  Remember there is nothing too hard for God.

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